02 // Event and Experience


Aaron Burgin – Founder of Suicide Sucks

  1. What inspired you to create “Suicide Sucks”? Hated what nonprofits where doing. Walking around high school tracks…. Where is the value? Pro harm was the response online when searching about killing yourself. SEO marketing - hotlines and lifelines now. Primarily marketing and online search tools. Ads and marketing campaigns that could help prevent - through other companies such as hospitals and insurance agencies. Suicide prevention advocate.

  1. What is some advice that you give to a survivor trying to process & heal?

  1. After looking over our event design so far, what are your thoughts?

  1. Would you attend this event?

  1. Would this event be impactful to people experiencing suicidal thoughts, supporters of an experiencer or survivors?

  1. Is there anything that should be added or taken away to improve social impact?

  1. Effective Marketing?
More suicides ensue when the media publicizing the details of a suicide case.
State health department has a drive of photos that are positive and encouraging.

“Suicide is a personal problem” we keep everything to ourselves.
  • Shared burden burning.
  • University of Stanford “circle of life” studies. People are admitting their weakness. Stepping into the circle.

Post Vention - survivor. The people that are in the prevention stage can get input from a lot of other people. Regret secession. “If I could go back…” “I wish I could have done this…”

TAPS - organization thru the military. “Why are you here?” filled with emotion. Walk away with the release because you have walked away with the release and now have a community.

The solution to suicide is the worst solution.

Life over all things - our purpose.

A lot of activities to keep people busy and form natural conversations. Create environments where they can connect on a natural level. If you have a specific invitation
that would be sent to someone who has lost someone. (Free tickets)

Outdoor companies, fitness, advertising, health, food, pro life. Experience. Adventure. Fitbit heart tracker. Check with your own health. Physical and mental health on the same

Personal relationships so mental illness could be observed.

Statistics are NOT effective. Only evidence of a problem…. Use towards people who are not experiencing suicide.

Advertise that this is a safe place for EVERYONE. Check at the door political opinions, religious opinions.

“Life beats opinion”, Life matters most.

Physical health classes that help promote mental health. Pursuit of life. Aspirations.
Eliminating hopelessness. Support works.

You can’t choose away mental illness.

Slogans around the crystals so a connection can be made.

Expect a metamorphosis. From hopeless to hopeful.

Opening ceremony for the certain audience. Expectations, challenges and invitations to open up, listen and keep judgements to yourself.

Walk away with a new perspective of life. Start with “why”.

Don’t be too big… or it is too hard to create experiences.

Geocaching - badges. Rewards for accomplishments? Talk to other people.

Backpack, water bottles, tshirt, stress ball, hashtag, crystal necklace

Paddle boarding or tubing.

Perspective - crystals
Life matters
Life above all else
Life ultimate


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